Purchase Your 2024 Hall of Fame Ceremony Ticket


The Iowa Hall of Fame celebrated the inaugural group of 30+ inductees in 2018, followed with 16 inductees in 2019, another 17 inductees in 2020-2021 and 20 were inducted during the 2022 celebration in November.  An additional 19 inductees were inducted in 2023.  The Board of Directors is dedicated to honoring Iowa’s racing legends and heroes and preserving Iowa’s racing history for future generations.  The Iowa Hall of Fame and Racing Museum Board of Directors is more passionate than ever to continue the Iowa Hall of Fame.

Nominations for inductees may be submitted by anyone completing the nomination form(s) and returning it in person, by mail or by e-mail.

The deadline for accepting nominations will be March 31st of the year of induction. Nominations for induction into the 2024Hall of Fame will need to be received no later than March 31, 2024.

All nomination forms will be reviewed, and the final inductees will be selected by the Board of Directors of the Iowa Hall of Fame and Racing Museum. A Hall of Fame Advisory Committee has been named and members are asked to serve in an advisory position to assure that nominees represent candidates from all areas of racing and all areas of the state of Iowa. Advisory members have been chosen from a group of respected and knowledgeable individuals from the racing community and from all parts of Iowa. Individuals from the Board of Directors and the Advisory Committee are eligible to complete nomination forms. The Board shall have the authority to make final decisions. No lobbying or automatic inductions shall be permitted.

The number of inductees may vary depending on the number of nominations, categories being represented with nominations, tied results, etc., but shall be between 12-20 new inductees each year.  The inductees will be honored at an annual induction ceremony to be held in the fall of each year with the date to be posted and advertised. Both the inductee and the nominator will be notified as soon as the selection process has been completed. Nominations will be accepted in the following eight (8) categories:

  • Pre-1990 (Any category)
  • Drivers 1990-Present
  • Owner/Builder/Car Sponsor
  • Promoter/Official/Media/Event or Series Sponsor
  • Motorcycle
  • Figure 8
  • Drag Racing
  • Other – fan, crew team member, mechanic, boat racing, go-karts, etc.

Drivers 50 years of age and older can be retired from driving or actively racing on a regular basis.  Drivers under 50 years of age must not have been actively racing on a regular basis for a minimum of five (5) years.  A person may be nominated posthumously.  Nominees must have made a strong impact on racing in Iowa.

Please contact Marty Pringle or Teresa Huffman with any questions or requests for additional information.  We can also be reached by email at iowaracingmuseum@gmail.com.

Marty Pringle, President – (515) 570-5646

Teresa Huffman, Treasurer – (515) 835-2620

Hall of Fame Nomination Form
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